
The resume of Jinyi LI. More precise information please refer to the PDF version. You can download it on the top right side of the current website.

General Information

Name Jinyi LI


  • 2025
    South China University of Technology, China
    • School of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic Experience

  • 2023
    Short Academic Program
    Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
  • 2024
    Remote Intern
    Information Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Focused on prompt compression topics and social behaviours of multi-agent board game.
  • 2024
    Academic Communication
    Singapore Management University, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University
    • Short academic communcation in three university on site in Singapore.

Open Source Projects

  • 2024
    • A unified plug-and-play toolkit for prompt compression of large language models.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • The Dongfeng Enterprise Scholarship
    • Merit Student
    • Excellent League Member
    • Excellent Student Cadre
    • MCM/ICM Honorable Mention
    • APMCM Second Prize
  • 2022
    • The Second Prize Scholarship
    • Merit Student
    • Excellent League Member

Academic Interests

  • Meta Learning
    • Cross-domain learning.
    • Incremental learning.
  • Natural Language Processing
    • Large Language Model